Friday 30 September 2022

Octomeber Day 1 - Darkness

 So... welcome to the month of October. Or, as I've coined it, Octomeber... it was the best book based pun for the month. The plan is very similar to that of Napowrimo in April - 31 prompts, 31 days, 31 pieces of writing. While I do focus a lot on poetry in my writing, I have tried to open up the prompts so that they can be used for other forms as well. Kicking off the month is this one:

1. Using the absence of light or vision, describe the innards of a room or place. 


Slow drip of rain against neck.
Wind - a mournful hymn,
whistles through these bones.

Feel the asperous skin
beneath these calloused hands - 
as if they know each other;

trace the rings of this host 
to know the moons its seen.
Hear woodpecker drum out the beat

of the next morning chorus;
feel it echo through - around your skull.
Know nature like your own name.

Things That Go Bump In The Night

It has been a while.

But hello, I have returned to the blog sphere with an announcement. 

As it is verging on October and, more importantly, Halloween. I've decided that I'm going to start posting prompts with a suffuciently spooky theme. One for each day of the month of October.

No idea what I'm going to refer to this as and it will be open to all forms of writing. If anyone participates or uses the prompts I post then please let me know so I can see what you write and I'll post any pieces I really enjoy here or on my twitter - @JayceTAuthor

I look forward to seeing what people come up with.

Stay spooky!

Day 30 - Ending

 The cat with the mouse in its mouth is just passing through. Past the mourners, veiled and shuffling through a rhythm only known in grief. ...