Thursday 9 December 2021

A New Character

Dungeons & Dragons

A game that divides opinion like its football and one that really found me some of the best friends I could ever hope to have. For all its misgivings and behind the scene issues, I am thankful for this game to be a part of my life and it has given my quite the catalogue of writing projects with making homebrew spells, classes, races, items and such to use when playing. However, I've spend a lot of my time over the past year running games rather than playing them.

Recently, I got invited to play in a new game that is starting up in the new year and having had a productive discussion with the Game Master, I'm getting use some of my homebrewed content. So I decided, as I often do when playing this game, to make a Warlock.

Now, for those who don't know, a Warlock is a type of spellcaster or mage that gains their powers from some otherworldly or powerful being, ranging anywhere from the monarchs of the Feywild courts to the Princes of Hell itself. I love the roleplay potential of Warlocks. I always have. Just the ability to have that discussion around your pact, to potentially talk to your patron and ask things of them, the way it can drive a storyline... it feels so good and it is probably why I always tend to gravitate towards them.

This character is going to be different as I'm playing a female presenting character - something I haven't done in a few years. I've always played queer characters, male presenting or nonbinary characters but this is rather uncharted territory for me. 

But the homebrew I'm using? Oh that is going to be a world of fun.

So she is a Moon Elf and her patron is actually the Goddess of the Moon or "She Who Guides" as my character refers to her as. So I made a pact that works of the power of cosmic bodies - in this case, surprise to no one, the Moon. It involves some great radiant damage spells like Guiding Bolt and Moonbeam but also has other lunar-related spells like Control Water, based on the relationship between the moon and the tides.

In addition to this, when we hit level 3, I'm getting to use a homemade pact boon - Pact of The Staff. It basically is a "Build-A-Staff" boon and honestly, it opens up your spell list a lot more as you can store some in another object.

Just add a mega-nerdy element to her, I fell back on my love of Tolkien and the Elvish language for her name. So I came up with:

Fariel Ilmarë

Which, if my amateur translation has worked, means "Hunter of Starlight".

This campaign is already shaping up to be a whole lot of fun and I can't wait to share her adventures with you in the future.

In the meantime, flick the kettle on. I'll be back soon.


  1. Do her stats wax & wane with the lunar phases? Or maybe phase-specific spells?

    1. Good question!

      Sorry it's taken me some time to get to this.

      Not phase specific, no. It's a little difficult to pull off in D&D when it is not a game that I am running so I can only work within the GM's parameters.

      It does make me think about how that would work and I feel like maybe I could homebrew something based off of the Eladrin in 5e - so her innate abilities would change slightly as the moons phases change.


Day 30 - Ending

 The cat with the mouse in its mouth is just passing through. Past the mourners, veiled and shuffling through a rhythm only known in grief. ...